Board of Trustees

About The Board

The SPS Board of Trustees is the governing body of the school. The Board includes seven-member elected annual each year. All employees of the charter school and all parents or guardians of enrolled students are eligible to participate in the election; employees have one vote and parents/guardians have one vote for each student enrolled at SPS. SPS accepts nominations for Board candidates from employees of SPS and from all parents/guardians of students enrolled in the school.

The Board has ultimate authority for:

  • Employing and contracting with teachers and non-teaching employees
  • Ensuring that teachers, whether certified or noncertified, undergo the background checks and other investigations required for certified teachers, as provided by law, before they are employed by the school
  • Contracting for other services, including, but not limited to, financial accounting, legal services, and transportation
  • Developing pay scales, performance criteria, and discharging policies for its employees, including the school's administrator
  • Deciding all other matters related to the operation of the school, including budgeting, curriculum, and operation procedures
  • Ensuring that the school adheres to the same health, safety, civil rights, and disability rights requirements as are applied to all public schools operating in the SC Public Charter School District

Additionally, the Board is required to:

  • Submit required reports to the SC Public Charter School District and the State Department of Education
  • Submit a charter renewal request at the appropriate time
  • Enforce the adherence of the charter school to the same financial audits, audit procedures, and audit requirements as are applied to the public schools operating in the SC Public Charter School District

Board of Trustees

Mendy​ ​Mossbrook, Chair

Dea Norton, Vice Chair

Angela Anderson, Treasurer

Wendy Hines,​ ​Secretary

Sheila Snoddy, Member-at-Large

Shantell Wilkins, Member-at-Large

Michelle Schultz, Member-at-Large

Jonathan Chadwick, Staff Ex-Officio

Julie McClendon,​ Staff ​Ex-Officio

Brandon Gaffney, ​Ex-Officio 


To contact our Board of Trustees, you can email us at


Parental Involvement

Parental Involvement

SPS intends for parents, community members, and professional educators to be involved in decision-making. One of the primary ways in which these stakeholders are involved in the governance and operation of SPS is through service on the Board and its advisory committees. Stakeholders who do not themselves serve on the Board are represented in the governance of the school
by their vote for Board members and in their freedom to have input into Board decisions. Board members and school personnel invite suggestions from stakeholders before and during each monthly Board meeting.

Interested in joining the board? Contact us to learn more.

Board Agendas and Meeting Minutes

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